Ibanez Catalog 1996

The Ibanez 1996 catalog highlights are the RG series, with their sleek superstrat shapes and wizard necks designed for speed and precision, making them a favorite among shredders and metal guitarists. Also showcased are the S series, known for their slim, contoured bodies and smooth playability, and the artist’s signature models that represent collaborations with guitar legends, offering players a taste of the pros’ tools.

The catalog doesn’t forget the bassists, presenting the Soundgear (SR) series which are renowned for their slim necks and versatile electronics.

For acoustic enthusiasts, the catalog includes the Performance (PF) series, which offers a blend of traditional tone and modern playability.

You’ll find below 4 electric and acoustic guitar catalogs of 1996.

Ibanez Catalog 1996 USA

Ibanez Catalog 1996 Europe

Ibanez 1996 Catalog Blazer

Ibanez 1996 Acoustic Catalog USA

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