Ibanez Catalog 1994

In the 1994 catalog, guitar enthusiasts were introduced to the iconic RG series, designed for precision and speed, and the JEM series, with its distinctive “monkey grip” and versatile tremolo system. The S series offered a sleek, contoured body shape, making it a favorite for its comfort and playability.

For bassists, the SR series featured slim necks for fast playing and active electronics for a wide tonal range.

The catalog also included the Soundgear line, emphasizing modern design and playability.

Acoustic players were not left out, with the introduction of the Exotic Wood series, known for its unique tonewoods and aesthetic appeal.

You’ll find below 6 electric and acoustic guitar catalogs of 1994.

Enjoy watching the evolution of Ibanez’s craft through the pages of these catalogs!

Ibanez Catalog 1994 USA

Ibanez Catalog 1994 Europe

Ibanez 1994 Supplement Catalog

Ibanez 1994 Starfield Catalog

Ibanez 1994 Catalog Starfield Acoustic

Ibanez 1994 Catalog Effect Component

Thank you for exploring the Ibanez catalogs!