Gibson Catalogs

Gibson Catalogs

Gibson catalogs serve as a valuable reference, allowing you to not only determine the model year of a guitar, but also confirm details such as features, finishes, and a variety of other factors.

Orville Gibson

Orville Gibson has left a profound impact on the industry. His passion, dedication, and inventiveness have revolutionized the way guitars and mandolins are designed and played.

Les Paul – Guitarist and Luthier

Les Paul is widely regarded as one of the most influential guitarists in history. He was a pioneer in both the music industry and the technology of recording music. He was a talented musician, inventor, and innovator, and his contributions to the world of music and recording have been immeasurable.

Lloyd Loar

Lloyd Loar is synonymous with innovative design, meticulous craftsmanship, and the transformation of stringed instruments.

Gibson Factories

Gibson produced its guitars in the USA at 3 different factories. After acquiring Epiphone in 1957, Gibson entered into OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) agreements with foreign manufacturers for that brand.