Ibanez Catalog 2006

The Ibanez 2006 catalog presented a lineup with the esteemed RG series, a staple for rock and metal guitarists; the versatile S series, known for its sleek body design; and the SA series, which melds the S body shape with a conventional pickup configuration.

The catalog also spotlighted the new ART series, offering a contemporary twist on the classic single-cutaway design.

Bassists had a choice between the slender-necked, fast-action SR series and the traditionally styled BTB series, each catering to different playing styles and preferences.

Besides the models, you can find here the finishes, specifications, and other information, useful, when trying to date an Ibanez guitar.

You’ll find below 4 guitar catalogs and the amplifier catalog of 2006.

Ibanez Catalog 2006 PDF

Ibanez 2006 Acoustic USA Catalog

Ibanez 2006 Acoustic EU Catalog

Ibanez Catalog 2006 Artcore Custom

Ibanez 2006 Amp Catalog

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