Fender Catalog 1999

The Fender Japan Catalog 1999 captured the unique essence of Fender’s Japanese-made instruments. These guitars and basses, tailored for the Japanese market, were celebrated for their meticulous craftsmanship and distinctive features.

Fender Catalog PDF 1999 (Japan)

Fender Frontline 1999 (Magazine)

In 1999, Fender enthusiasts were treated to the Fender Frontline magazine. It was a pivotal year, with Fender celebrating the end of the millennium by featuring a mix of their timeless models along with innovative new designs that would take guitar players into the next century. Frontline provided insights into these instruments through detailed profiles, artist interviews, and articles that highlighted Fender’s ongoing influence in the music world.

Fender Winter Frontline 1999 (Magazine)

Thank you for revisiting the iconic offerings of Fender’s 1999 catalog with us.