10 Best Jackson Guitars

If you’re here, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Jackson Guitars, the kings of metal! Built for speed and loaded with attitude, Jacksons have been the go-to guitars for shred-heads since the 80s. Let’s dive deep into some of the Jackson offerings, shall we?

Best Electric Guitars Under $1500

Seven spectacular electric guitars that promise quality, performance, and oodles of style, all under $1500. Whether you’re a newbie looking to make a significant upgrade or a pro seeking another gem for your collection, this list has something for everyone.

7 Electric Guitars With Thin Necks You’ll Absolutely Love

Whether you’ve got petite hands, prefer faster playability, or are simply looking for a more comfortable grip, a thin-necked guitar might just be the game-changer you need. We’ve done the research and found 7 top electric guitars with those sleek, slim necks that’ll have your fingers dancing on the fretboard in no time.

8 Best Explorer Body Guitars

With their radical shapes and punchy tones, Explorer guitars are a symbol of rebellion and innovation in the guitar world. Let’s dive into the world of angular beauty and sonic power with some of the best Explorer-style guitars out there.

Adrian Smith – Iron Maiden Guitars

Adrian Smith, famed as the guitarist of the legendary rock band Iron Maiden, has collaborated with Jackson to bring forth a series of signature guitars that reflect his sonic preferences, playing style, and aesthetic sensibilities. These guitars are not just representations of Smith’s musical vision but are also instruments that offer versatility, reliability, and exceptional playability to musicians globally.