Jackson Catalog 1987

The 1987 Jackson catalog showcased the brand’s commitment to metal and hard rock, with an array of guitars that have since become classics. This year introduced some of Jackson’s most enduring shapes and designs, tailored for speed, precision, and high-impact sound.

Meanwhile, the 1987 Japanese catalog, “Electronics & Pickups,” was a deep dive into the heart of what makes Jackson guitars sonically versatile. It provided an extensive overview of the electronic components that Jackson offered, including their revolutionary active pickups, which provided a hotter output and a punchier sound tailored for the aggressive playing styles of the era. It also covered Jackson’s selection of passive pickups, offering a dynamic range that could capture the nuances of any playing style.

Enjoy browsing through the 1987 Jackson catalog and the Japanese “Electronics & Pickups” brochure!

Jackson Catalog PDF 1987

Jackson Catalog 1987 Japan

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